For more information regarding our move, please read the two last post published below.

12 September 2007

Sabres Unveil Reebok Edge Uniform

One year after changing their overall jersey style the Sabres were at it again Tuesday. Well, sort of. The team unveiled their new jersey in the Reebok Edge design. The most marked change is the flowing stripes of white from the bottom of the jersey vertically across the arms.
Brian Campbell, who wore the Edge jersey in last years all-star game said "There’s a little difference in the players’ arms. The major thing is getting the sizing for every individual guy. I’m sure some guys are going to be complaining; some guys won’t have a problem with it. A lot of guys have liked them."
The Sabres will also not be wearing their third jersey, with the original crossed-swords logo for at least the first year of the new jersey roll-out due to marketing concerns. It has been reported previously that the third jersey will be re-rolled out next season with a blue to match the current jersey and the original Sabres crest. We shall see.

3 fanatics have replied:

Bleu, Blanc et Rouge said...

yech! :(

Patrick S. Law said...

meh, just more of the same imho.

I kind of like Dallas' new ones.

Katy said...

That sucks that the only good jersey the Sabres have is out of commission this season.

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