Miikka Kiprusoff (centre) and Dion Phaneuf (far centre) getting it done (to put it politely)
Hat tip to e over at Theory of Ice for this scandalous picture.
The rumour is that Kipper is the "pimp" and those are his girls hanging around Dion...don't know exactly how to react to this question, e's done a better job for me.
True, Dion looks kind of desperate getting Miikka to get him back into the lame "groupie" stunt we're witnessing above. He's an NHL athlete and should really know better.
Strip club anyone?
Not saying what Dion did was bad, but definitely dissapointing for Flames and hockey fans alike...don't quote me on any of this since this is just my assumption and not actual fact.

5 fanatics have replied:
It wasn't a strip club it was a backroom at Cowboy's in Calgary - hmmm I guess you could say its basically a strip club there :)
Bad Photoshop... you can see the shadow of Phaneuf's chin on the girls wrist, but for some reason the cigarette casts no shadow. The guy in the foreground is clearly sparkin one up... but it just doesn't totally look like Kiprusoff to me...???
Kipper definitely smokes, I gave him a smoke in the Men's Room at Cowboys during the Bacardigras party a few years ago hehe
Who really and I mean REALLY cares?
Big deal, the two are smoking.
Big frikin deal !
Kippers cool and the best goalie ever. that isnt kiprosoff but that is phanuef. kipper is cool and the guy who sent this rumor isnt and your gay.
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