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16 April 2007

Report: Canadiens sought by Red Bull...

It has been reported in an Austrian news article, that Red Bull (yes, it give you wings! More like migraines for me.) is interested in buying the Montreal Canadiens hockey team.
You can read the translated version thanks to our friends over at Google here.

And the idiots say the Habs have won 23 Stanley Cups, sheesh.


Ahem, now the more pertinent question arises.

Could this mean owner George Gillett has finally decided Liverpool and Tom Hicks will bring in more cash than the Habs? No way, the Habs are the biggest market in all of hockey and definitely up there in all of sports...

The article cites there have already been meetings between Gillett and Red Bull.

Dieter Mateschitz, the head of Red Bull, has said he would never re-brand a team that he this case, Formula One, and I for one think that he wouldn't make a bad owner at all, he seems passionate in what he does and I wouldn't mind the switcheroo.

And besides, the way the Habs fell after December 23rd, you could argue it was Powerade's fault on the bench, maybe Red Bull will actually give them wings.

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